Chris Millbank

“Recently I hooked up via Skype with Charan Surdhar a geneticist turned epigeneticist. She specialises in treating emotions, beliefs and perceptions that alter and hold up your DNA. She spent about 30 minutes testing, she found with accuracy not only stuff in this life, but also emotions and shock passed down through my DNA from generations ago. In fact a lot of ancestral stuff. She then used her skills to remotely treat those. I felt changes in my heart my breathing, my chest, my pelvis jumped around. Over the next 5 days I processed the healing.

Since then, I have walked far more upright, felt loads stronger, she removed an ancestral emotional heart wall, I am now in a relationship again. My old respiratory problems improved dramatically. She is the first mind emotional therapist I have visited in nearly 25 years since my Hypnotherapy training. She worked very differently no questions just telling me what was in the way and when it had been cleared."