
I initially came to work with Charan as my daughter has tongue and lip tie an inherited genetic condition. My daughter had minor surgery to release her tongue and lip ties which is a genetic condition. After working with Charan, this condition hasn’t needed any more surgery. Mind blown!

I would love to use every superlative in the dictionary to describe Charan and the work she does, but I feel that would fall flat. And really no words can do justice to how much she has helped and is helping my daughter and I. She is the embodiment of how humans should have evolved; in tune with their inner voice and wisdom and intuition, tolerant and non-judgemental and loving towards all other humans, even though we are not being kind to our world or ourselves or each other. But Charan hones in on that little divine spark we all have and sees us as special and loving and kind despite all our problems, illnesses, worries, and sadness! What a truly amazing gift she has and shares; the ability to shed layers of inherited and absorbed emotions is one of the most cathartic things we can do for all of humankind. Once you get beneath those layers you start to love yourself a little more, shine a little more, feel deserving of good in your life a little more. And if that is not enough to convince you of her awesomeness and mighty heart, try this:

After a session with Charan, a nerve pain in my mouth completely went away. I’d had it for almost 48 hours and it was unbearable. Charan released an emotion connected to the pain and boom, 30 seconds later, the pain was gone for good.

Charan also worked on my low energy levels and the next day I was whirlwinding around my house tidying and organising. My husband even commented on what a busy bee I was.

Thank you Charan for all your help! I’m so grateful for all you do.