Law of Attraction and Your Genes?


I've just been invited to be guest blogger on Chip Engelmann's website on the topic of "Law of Attraction and Your Genes?". How do these two fit together? ;)

Have a read and find out. :)

With love
Charan :)

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Bursting the Bubble on Genes


I'm SO excited to share with you my new video, Bursting the Bubble on Genes. My aim in making this video was to bring simplicity to understanding the basics of Epigenetics, and that is that the control of our genes in not the genes themselves but the environment.

What environment? Your internal environment, that is your emotions, beliefs and perceptions, and your external environment.

This is a big message, as up till now all we have been taught to believe is that we are victims to our genes. It is time for change.....internally, and this allows you to shift your biology....

I hope you enjoy it as much as I had fun making it.

Shared with love


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Bursting the Bubble Around the Heart


Here's my latest fun, animated video in the series "Bursting the Bubble.."

Do you suffer from depression, or a feeling of not being connected, or even a feeling that there seems to be a barrier in the way of you giving and receiving love?

Maybe you have a Heart Wall...

Watch my video to find out more.

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Is it Safe to let Go?


Here's my next article - "Is it safe to let go?"

Sometimes we can "work" on an issue till we are blue in the face (figuratively speaking), and still wonder why things aren't changing. Here's my next article on this, and a few questions that we can "ask" our subconscious to allow it to FEEL safe to LET go of the issue in question.

Why beat the door down, when we can just turn the handle...? ;-)


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Ever wonder what true unconditional love is?

How to get there?

How your fears get in the way of feeling this space?

Here is a call I did that shares all these and more.

Please also have a look at this new online wellness center, Mind Body Spirit U, where I'm on working with some amazing women.

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Bursting the Bubble on Infections



So here is my new animated video on bursting the bubble on infections. I hope you can listen with an open heart. Thank you for being awesome! :)

"Charan has a wonderful way of putting together information that is in the medical literature, but buried. And undervalued. And overlooked." ~ Dr Christiane Northrup

Here too is a wonderful example of healing in a little girl with Lyme disease, that is so inspiring. If you enjoyed please sign up for my newsletter, here on the left, in which I let you know when the next one is out. I am looking forward to the next ones myself, as I want to make them fun and simple! Also if you haven't seen my book on Ho'oponopono, you can here where you can have a free preview of the book. Heba the Ho'oponoponoist looks forward to meeting you! :)

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The Innocence of Earth and Us


On many levels in our lives, we feel that certain things are not "right", or wish things could be different, or just a feeling of dissatisfaction on many levels about maybe our bodies, money issues,  and of course the list goes on.

Today, I facilitated a life between lives session with a wonderful lady. She like all had some issues and felt a deep desire to have some direction in certain areas of her life.  She also mentioned her deep connection to Earth, and how she loves it, and all animals and how it saddens her to see animals being hurt.

The session went extremely well, and as always it is such a humbling experience for me too, to be part of this experience.

Without going into details of how the session was performed and what was said at each point, the essence of it is worth mentioning.

The main message that came through was how important this body is, it is not just material, it is a gift from the Earth. Well you may say, ok how is this different from I...

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Being a victim to your own emotions (EFT sequence to help)


Normally, in many situations we feel that we are being victimised by others, whether it be relationships, or whether it be by situations in our life. These are all situations where, if I could use the analogy, of feeling like our strings our being held and manipulated by someone or something else. These are all things that we can experience, but what I really want to talk about here is being a victim to your own emotions.

What do I mean, when I say being a victim to our own emotions?  Well, we can be so judgemental and critical to the way we are feeling, and our own worst critic. Such that we have all our strings tangled up, and can't even see the woods from the trees so to speak. Ok, you might say, well it is a good thing to have this critic within, and it helps. But if this inner critic, is causing you to feel low self esteem, then how can it doing you any good?

I have just gone through a situation, where I have felt this, and it doesn't matter how much you "know"...

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Stepping out of my comfort zone


Yesterday I was interviewed, at 4am my time, by Deidre Howard, who I have recently met on Facebook. The story of how we met was synchronistic, but it was through this meeting that this interview came about.

I jumped at the possibility of being interviewed and the date was set. But what was amazing was how much I learnt about myself in the whole process.

We are so used to being a certain way, and when we come out of the box so to speak, it can be challenging. Our brain begins to send out alert signals all over the place that we are not safe. But this is because, it wants to protect us or so we think! So when these signals begin to speed along the body, creating sirens, (yes that is the way I felt), a lot of issues began to bubble up within me.  So it was interesting observing this within myself, the bubbles of insecurities, bubbles of past events in my life that made me feel not accepted by others, and the list goes on and on!

With the help of some amazing friends, Paul...

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